Seattle Public Schools


Safety and Security

Safety and Security at Seattle Public Schools

Seattle Public Schools will be physically and emotionally, safe and secure for all students, staff and visitors.

The mission of the Safety and Security Department is to assist the district in maximizing academic achievement for all students through the maintenance of a safe and secure environment.

Safe Schools Hotline

Safe Schools Hotline

The Safety and Security Department is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Safe Schools Hotline

Keeping your child safe

The safety of our students and staff is our number one priority. 

Be sure your school has your current telephone number and emergency contact information. Contact your school to update your contact information. Learn more about staying connected with Seattle Public Schools.

A graduate smiles for a photo during a graduation ceremony
Personal Safety for Children and Families

You can help your student(s) stay safe by talking to them about personal safety. Some tips to discuss include:

  • Report incidents as soon as they happen.
  • Be aware of surroundings.
  • Not talking to strangers or going anywhere with them.
  • Walking to school or activities in pairs or groups.
Read more personal safety tips for families and students

Concerns about bullying

Concerns about harassment, intimidation, or bullying should first be reported to your student’s school principal or assistant principal.

Reports can be made verbally or in writing. The SPS Office of Student Civil Rights is responsible for investigating and resolving student complaints of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying.

How does the district handle threats of violence?

All lethal or potentially lethal statements whether verbal, written, including electronic are to be taken seriously and investigated. Bomb threats or weapons on campus are considered to be threats of violence.

The Safety and Security Office should be notified immediately at 206-252-0707. If student has a weapon or the threat is imminent call the Police (911).

No Tolerance Policy Against Firearms and Dangerous Weapons

Seattle Public Schools has a no tolerance policy against firearms and dangerous weapons and Superintendent Procedure regarding weapons on its campuses and at District-sponsored activities.

Seattle Schools Emergency Management Phases

I. Prevention/Mitigation

Safety and Security Standards

The Safety and Security Department monitors trends related to school safety and security and coordinates the district response with community emergency responders. The department researches and recommends best practices related to school safety and security, develops necessary prevention programs, and assists schools and administrators in evaluating school safety data.

II. Preparedness


The Safety and Security Department provides information and training in security and safety issues. Training topics include first aid, verbal de-escalation and conflict management, critical incident management, child abuse and other safety courses. Additionally, written safety materials for staff, student and parents are also available.

III. Response

Alarm Office

The Safety and Security Department monitors and responds to schools 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The alarm office monitors district alarms and systems, monitors and responds to suspicious activities and coordinates with community emergency responders during off hours.

School Security Specialists

Secondary schools are assigned school security specialist(s) that respond to critical incidents in schools, de-escalate and intervene in volatile situations, and investigate and file security incident reports.

Division Lead Specialists

Division Lead Specialists respond to requests for assistance. Depending on the situation, one or more units may be immediately dispatched. In case your school has no security due to illness or other reasons, Division Lead Specialists can assist during lunch periods and dismissal time, if available.

IV. Recovery

Critical Incident Debriefing

After critical incidents, the Safety and Security Department provides schools with resources to support the emotional needs of staff, students and parents/guardians.

Operational Critiques

Each critical incident is an opportunity to review performance and standards. The Safety and Security Department assists schools and administrators with reviewing performance and updating skills.

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